Support services for charter schools | kura hourua

Organisations contracted to the Charter School Agency will provide a range of support to potential sponsors and charter schools.

State schools have access to a range of support services, including support for school governance, finance and property matters.

One or more contracted organisations, described as support entities, will provide similar support services to potential and new sponsors of charter schools through to their establishment, and ongoing running of school operations.   

Initially, their contracts are expected to be for 30 months, from mid-2024 to the end of 2026, with some review periods included.   

Role and functions 

This will include:  

  • assisting potential sponsors in the second stage of the application process. 
  • helping connect potential sponsors with interested schools
  • providing establishment support for approved charter school sponsors when setting up their school
  • providing ongoing support services for established charter schools such as support for school governance, finance or human resources and employment relations.